Monday, 19 January 2015

Tasuo Toyohara.- KAI Gallery - Kobe

Finished sculpture byTasuo Toyohara - KAI Gallery

This sculpture exhibition at the KAI Gallery by Toyohara with his tools spread out over the space as he continually makes artworks in your presence, created an ambiance of a live art sculpture performance.

It was wonderful to examine Toyohara's artworks that were placed on the floors/walls whilst experiencing seeing his praxisfirst hand  in the now, one often wishes this type of unique studio type of exhibition could far more frequent as a gallery experience.

In conversation with Toyohara, he explained that the carving of the inside piece of tree branch or log was the part of sculpture that concerned him the most and this was thought provoking because it makes the viewer experience a deeper sensory effect, as seen in the image above, where not only does the audience have to see the outside of the object but peer through to the illuminated inner sculpted surface qualities, and like British Sculpture  Henry Moore stated below; the physical space of a hole between the solid shaped walls starts to create its own tension.

Tasuo Toyohara about to undo the sculpted inside of the trunk

Toyohara's sculptures and his desire to consider his sculpture is made on the inside of the tree trunk is noteworthy for in a way it reminded one of the German/ Australian artist Martin Heine, whose painting praxis started from the back of the canvas and pushed the image through a fly wire mesh to get the image to the other side. But one thinks here Toyohara has taken it a step further by allowing the audience to experience the whole artwork (exterior/interior) at the same time but that is the nature of the third dimension emptied of solid form and replaced with a natural transparent form being O2.

This replacing of organic to non organic form allows the audience to peer through Toyohara artwork .to see his sculpture traces on the inside of the trunk but this in itself presents a strange sensation, for its like the inorganic physical space of the sculpture tends to feel like it is leaking into the gallery and attaches itself to the terrain that one swathes through in viewing his artworks..

There is some very fine sculptures in Kobe and in this exhibition maintains that communities, edginess so if your in Motomachi Gallery grab an art map and do visit this show.

Link to Martine Hiene